GSE Conference

Smith Centre

9 May at 10:00AM


Live Stream




11:45 - Achieving impact in Science & Engineering


Click on profile picture and hover mouse over image top see full bio.

11:45 - Achieving Impact from Science & Engineering

The session is designed to equip delegates with skills and insight into how to better communicate their science, and specifically how their work can influence policy across government and beyond.

Delegates will leave having the confidence to communicate their S&E/research to different audiences with some tangible supporting documents signposted by the speakers.

Dr Adam Kucharski

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine


DR Sophie McLachlan


Professor Helen Margetts

Turing Institute


Martin Queen



13:45 - Women & Allies in STEM


Click on profile picture and hover mouse over image top see full bio.


13:45 - Women & Allies in STEM

WISE are excited to host a panel discussion on the topic of allyship in STEM. 

In this session delegates will increase their awareness of WISE and the resources available to delegates through this external partner including through the corporate GSE premium membership.

DR Clair Collins


Angela Booth

Thames Water

Zeb Farooq



14:40 - Engineering in Policy: Resilience and systems thinking


14:40 – Engineering in Policy: Resilience and systems thinking

Engineers within the civil service play two important roles: bringing technical expertise into government decision making; and applying an engineering mindset to problem solving, for example through systems thinking.

Chaired by Dr Eleanor Voss DCMS, this session will explore the role that engineers can play in helping the government to develop resilience policy. It will look at the expertise ecosystem to show how expertise within the civil service, industry and academe can be brought to bear on the big challenges of our day.

Eleanor Voss, PhD, MICE

Co-Chair, Engineering in Policy Network; Head of Data Infrastructure Strategy, DCMS

Eleanor is Co-Chair and a founding member of the Engineering in Policy network. Eleanor is also a Chartered civil engineer and was a practising engineer before joining the civil service. Eleanor’s policy specialism is infrastructure resilience and this theme has been core to her roles at the National Infrastructure Commission and at the Department for DIgital, Culture, Media and Sport. Eleanor’s PhD focused on improving decision making within the engineering domain and she maintains this interest now in her policy work. 

Manuela Di Mauro PhD MCIWEM C.WEM

Infrastructure Advisor, Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office 

Manuela Di Mauro is Infrastructure and Climate Advisor at the UK’s Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office, member of both the Infrastructure and the Climate and Environment technical cadres of FCDO, as well as a GSE member. Manuela joined FCDO in 2019 from the UK National Infrastructure Commission where she was Senior Technical Advisor and Water Lead. Previously she was the lead advisor on the built environment’s climate resilience at the UK Committee on Climate Change and led the Global Risk Model for the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. Manuela also held technical roles at the Earth Observatory of Singapore, where she advised South East Asian governments on tsunami and earthquake risk management, and at the engineering consultancy HR Wallingford Ltd. Manuela holds a PhD in industrial engineering, a master’s degree in environmental engineering (geophysics, sanitation and land use management) and an undergraduate degree in hydraulic structures and modelling. She is a Chartered Water and Environmental Manager and Member of CIWEM.

Dr Juliet Mian

Arup; Technical Director, Resilience Shift, FICE

Juliet is Director at Arup, and an experienced Civil Engineer of over 20 years’ experience working on infrastructure projects both in the UK and overseas. She is a specialist in the resilience of infrastructure systems with an in-depth understanding of the systemic approach required to broaden our thinking beyond the physical infrastructure systems to consider the human aspects and the natural environment. Her main interests lie in helping organisations develop bespoke solutions to achieve greater resilience of their infrastructure networks to both known and unknown hazards. Over the last 5 years Juliet was the Technical Director of the Resilience Shift.

Professor Brian Collins

Emeritus Professor Dept of Civil, Environ & Geomatic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Science

Professor Brian S Collins has held senior leadership posts in UK government, corporate, philanthropic, and academic institutions, all centred around the interface of science and engineering knowledge and expertise with public policy.

Brian joined UCL in August 2011 as Professor of Engineering Policy, and the Director of the Centre for Engineering Policy. In this capacity, Brian has been co-leading the creation of UCL STEaPP and the related cross-Faculty Institute focused on policy engagement and decision support.

Between 2006 and 2011, Brian served as Chief Scientific Advisor (CSA) to two government Departments (Transport 2006-11; Business Innovation and Skills 2009-11), with responsibility for overseeing the Departments’ science, engineering and technological activities, and ensuring that rigorous science and engineering evidence is used systematically throughout both Departments’ policy processes. 

Matt Crossman

Deputy Director, Infrastructure, DIT 

Matt leads the Infrastructure Exports and Investment team at the Department for International Trade.  He is a chartered civil engineer and prior to his current role he was a team leader at the National Infrastructure Commission, responsible for a study on resilience (Anticipate, React, Recover: Resilient infrastructure systems) and the flood, water and waste sectors together with cross cutting work on housing, finance and the environment for the first ever National Infrastructure Assessment.

Earlier in his career, Matt was based in Singapore as regional director for the UK Science and Innovation Network and had roles in water and flood management at Defra, including policy lead for the Flood and Water Management Act 2010.